Tuesday, November 2, 2010

“Because, BUSH!” DNC already in spin mode over election losses

image None of the polls have closed yet.  In fact, Alaskan and Hawaiian polls haven’t even opened yet.  But that isn’t stopping the DNC from scapegoating what are sure to be historic losses in today’s midterm elections.

In the Election Day 2010 talking points email sent to its media shills and other assorted allies today, they can’t even get out of the first paragraph before frothing at the mouth and blaming “BOOSH!”

Democrats knew that 2010 would be an uphill battle for three reasons: 1) the party of the President historically loses seats in midterm elections; 2) too many people are looking for work or struggling to get by as a result of 8 years of irresponsible economic policies (and despite creating more private sector jobs in the last 8 months than President Bush did in 8 years); and 3) the sheer number of seats we're defending this year as a result of the successes of 2006 and 2008, including 49 Democratic Representatives on the ballot this year whose districts John McCain won in 2008.

But as a result of the hard work of the President, Democratic campaigns, the DNC, OFA, coordinated campaigns, campaign committees, and committed Democratic volunteers, our candidates are more competitive today than in previous comparative mid-term elections and in the best position possible for success.

The stupidity of blaming Bush for a historic election ass-kicking is breathtaking.  Not only is Bush now more popular than Obama in opinion surveys, he’s likely to return to the campaign trail in 2012 to raise money and stump for Republican hopefuls in that election.

But more comical is the second paragraph.  The only comparable midterm elections were 1938, 1946 and 1994.  There are some statistical analyses showing that the 2010 midterm could be even more historic and destroy some long-held beliefs about generic ballot polling, turnout and how it translates into seats won/lost.

It boggles the mind that a reasonably cognizant spokesperson could utter that second paragraph with a straight face.

The real truth that Democrats are going to have to face is that despite spending trillions in stimulus money, taking over the automobile, health care and financial services industry, alienating our allies while emboldening our enemies and speaking down to the American people as if they were so many peasants on the plantation, the electorate is poised to rise up and smite the beast like the fist of an angry God.

No amount of spin can change that.


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