Friday, October 8, 2010

NALCO to announce new line of COREXIT consumer products

(PRNewswire) – Encouraged by the outstanding performance of its COREXIT® Technology in the recent Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, the Naperville, Illinois based NALCO is eager to show that the product is effective and proven to minimize the impact of consumer products on the environment.

NALCO announced five exciting new product lines, a luxury body bar for your bath, a high-performance dishwashing liquid for your kitchen, a smooth, skin-loving moisturizing lotion and a healing petroleum jelly for your skin, and a tantalizing new personal lubricant for your (shhh!) intimate moments.

NALCO Chief Executive Officer Erik Frywald said, “we’re pleased to offer consumers access to the extraordinarily successful, effective and most importantly safe COREXIT® Technology.

”We’re sure that consumers will be delighted by our products’ performance, just as they were with the use of the technology during the recent Gulf Oil Spill.”
UPDATE:  Lots of hits from Naperville.  Come on, NALCO execs.

You LOL’ed, didn’t ya?


Anonymous said...

Well, since the EPA says its "perfectly safe", why not!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the awesome new "exfoliant" they will be marketing...."guarenteed to remove that pesky layer of epidermis every time!" ~Angelz

Anonymous said...

Surely they can find another way to add it to our food.

David L. said...

Surely they can find another way to add it to our food.

I know. People are not eating enough Klondike Bars.

Anonymous said...

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