News from Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
One of the bluest of the blue metropolitan areas in the country. Heavy Democrat demographics. Heavy union membership. Heavy participation by state, local and county government officials. And a load of absentee ballots.
A trio of Bucks County residents backed by the county Republican committee say they have evidence linking Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy's campaign to a scheme to flood the county voter registration office with fraudulent applications for absentee ballots.
In a petition filed Tuesday, county Republicans say the name of Murphy's campaign manager appeared on a Bristol post office box where voters were urged in a series of letters paid for by the state Democratic Committee to send absentee ballot applications.
The county Republicans submitted with the petition a photograph of a note inside the mailbox that said, "Tim Percico and Paul Hampel only pick up mail." Tim Persico is Murphy's campaign manager, although his name is misspelled in the note. Hampel is a volunteer for the Democratic state committee who said he collects mail from the box.
In response to the Republican petition, the Bucks County Board of Elections scheduled a hearing 9:30 a.m. Friday at the courthouse to hear evidence of what the Republicans characterize as a coordinated effort to trick voters into improperly applying for absentee ballots and efforts to submit fraudulent applications for absentee ballots.
"While some of these invalid applications have been caught and rejected by the Board of Elections, we believe many other defective and objectionable applications were inadvertently approved by the Board of Elections due to the pervasive nature of the fraud," the petition says.
The petition also asks county election officials to secure all completed absentee ballots at the courthouse in Doylestown until the board of elections can conduct an investigation of the claims.
Smells like SEIU, doesn’t it?
Here’s the scam: You get a boatload of people to send in applications for absentee ballots. You send in so many that the local officials can’t possibly examine them all for propriety in the rush to process so many. The ballots are returned to a central location, where people “not connected” with the Democrat organization complete the ballots and mail them in, swamping the system with absentee ballots that were dutifully signed off on by the Registrar’s office and by all appearances, look valid.
Kudo’s to the watchful Republicans who filed the petitions. This is the kind of stuff that’s been going in in places like Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia and other Democrat districts for decades. Stopping it will take a long term, concerted effort by local, honest citizens who believe in the principle of “one man or woman, one vote.”
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