When you are losing the debate on the facts, change tactics and start attacking personalities. It’s a tried and true strategy of the left, and who really expected it wouldn’t be tried again in 2010? Via the NY Post:
Liberal media outlets are trying to smear the highest-ranking Republican in the House just weeks before the midterm elections with a deal-breaking scandal before he has a chance to take the speaker's chair from Nancy Pelosi.
A blogger from liberal Web site The Daily Kos pierced through Boehner's security detail at yesterday's unveiling of his leadership policy "Pledge to America" to ask if he was sleeping with a lobbyist from the Printing Industries of America.
The congressman ignored the pesky blogger with a flip camera and kept moving to his fleet of black Suburbans.
The lobbyist who was named in the confrontation and then was contacted by he Daily Kos blogger Lisbeth Lyons denied the accusations. "As you can imagine, I was stunned by such a question," Lyons said. "I found it to be highly insulting, particularly as a female political professional, as well as unfounded. Beyond that, I have no further comment on the matter."
Insiders on Capitol Hill are buzzing about an upcoming New York Times exposé that will detail an alleged Boehner affair. Sources say the Times is looking for the right time to drop the story in October to sway the election, similar to how the Times reported during the 2008 presidential campaign on an alleged John McCain affair that supposedly had taken place many years before and that was flatly denied by the woman in question.
"Catching Boehner with a mistress is the only way to destroy him politically before the election," a source said.
This election is not about John Boehner, so even if there is a smidge of truth to the allegations, it’s a futile and desperate attempt to knock the debate off of the issues. A lot of people heading to the polls on November 2 probably don’t even know who John Boehner is, despite the recent Democrat leadership’s attempt to make him the hot target.
TARP, Porkulus, Obamacare, Financial Regulation Reform, Cap and Trade, Amnesty, the drilling moratorium, Arizona immigration enforcement law. The Democrats are on the wrong side of all eight issues. This election is all about issues, and when Democrats are on the wrong side of the electorate, out come the long knives. People are motivated to vote in this mid-term because they’re sick and tired of junk like this.
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