Monday, September 13, 2010

CNN notes first impeachment since Bill Clinton’s, but fails to note the judge was appointed by… Clinton

Shocka: CNN notes first impeachment since Bill Clinton’s, but fails to note the judge was appointed by… Clinton

If this had been a Reagan, George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush appointee, do you think the mention of his appointment would be buried in the 10th paragraph?  Heck, had this guy been appointed by a Republican president, that president would be named in the first paragraph.

So, I’ve taken the liberty to fix the first paragraph.  You’re welcome, CNN.  My invoice is in the mail.

The U.S. Senate on Monday started the impeachment trial of federal judge G. Thomas Porteous Jr. -- the first such trial since the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton in 1999, who appointed the accused judge to the federal bench in 1994.

The Senate Impeachment Trial Committee will submit its summary to the full Senate, which is expected to vote later this year. The judge is accused of corruption and accepting kickbacks, as well as lying about his past to the Senate and FBI regarding his nomination to the federal bench.


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