Thursday, September 2, 2010

15,000 page views in August!

Dear readers of the I Bleed Crimson Red blog:

Thank you.

In August, this blog received no less than 15,000 page views and 12,000 unique sessions.  I started this part-time hobbyist blog on April 01, 2010 and a mere five months later, you’re  hitting this site at the rate of 500 per day.  That flatters and impresses me to no end, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your traffic and readership.

During the first few weeks of April, I seriously wondered if anyone was really reading, or if the half dozen or so visits/per day were bots or spammers.  But traffic has grown steadily each month.  June bested May, July bested June, and August blowing them all away (and me, too).

My blog’s August figures are a small fraction of the traffic garnered by the big guns of the Extreme Right Wing Radical blogosphere, dominated by such dangerous ideologues truth-tellers as Michelle Malkin, Ed Morrissey, AllahPundit, Erick Erickson, Doug Ross, and Ace of Spades. And look folks, if you want the absolute latest, greatest and best information about the Alabama Crimson Tide, there’s no other site to visit than Go tell them all that I sent ya!

Any of those sites routinely get the same number of visitors in one day that I get in a whole month.  I’m small taters, but that’s Ok.  This will remain a hobbyist’s part-time blog.  I have a day job that puts my kids through school a roof over our heads and regularly nice meals on the table.  From time to time when I’m on the road selling my company’s services to new clients, or taking welcome breaks (like the upcoming Labor Day weekend), the blog goes for days with no updates. Y’all still come, and it blows me away.

I’m absolutely delighted that so many people have come to this site, read my commentary, commented on my posts and pages and shared links from here to other blogs and websites, even when I’m off doing something else.  I’m also delighted that folks still visit despite my complete dweebness when it comes to technology.  I actually started the blog in early March, but I couldn’t figure out how to customize the template until the Healthcare Power Grab was a done deal. It took me weeks more to figure out how to get my blog posts onto my twitter feed (a “feature” I still struggle with sometimes, but I blame it on the software, not the operator).  I haven’t even tried to tackle that facebook thing, yet. 

I sometimes don’t know what I’m doing until it’s done, but that’s the way I’ve always rolled so it’s all good.

So again, a heartfelt THANK YOU! Y’all rock, and please keep visiting.

Gimme some feedback in the comments.


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