- Confirmed: GE CEO Immelt Scolded NBC Reporters For Reporting Negatively on Obama Controlling the message, and an abdication of 5th Amendment rights.
- American Conservative Union launches program to track former ACORN leaders and expose voter fraud. You can run, but you can't hide.
- W.H. to deploy FLOTUS for midterms. Teh one's numbers are in the tank, and the Clintons don't seem to be interested in playing ball.
- The Smart vs. the Dumb. That would be Paul Ryan vs. Paul Krugman. One is an economist. The other used to be.
- Liberals saddened that Sarah Palin wasn't the former Alaskan politician killed in a plane crash yesterday. It must be a cast iron bitch living with such hatred of someone you've never even met.
- Dem leadership warns candidates: Don’t talk about our “accomplishments” on the trail. I don't think voters will give them much of a choice.
- Urban "Diva" Meyer makes Florida assistant coaches get physical exams. "Don't ignore your health like I did for years and years!"
- Bennet Defeats Romanoff in Democratic Primary for Colorado Senate. Obama Regime 1, Clintonistas 0
- "The Pleasures of Racism, Selfishness, and Fear" The Tea Party movement, or the ruling class that the Tea Party has risen up against?
- Ken Buck Wins. And there are Republicans in the ruling class who need a wake up punch in the nose, too.
Gimme some feedback in the comments.
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