- With finreg done, time for pharmreg reform—Of course! It’s the only boogeyman left.
- Dr. Laura to end her radio career—”I am not retiring. I am not quitting. I feel energized."
- FCC Takes Another Step Towards Regulating the Internet – Without the cover of legislation, the FCC is moving anyway.
- Biden's Stimulus Forecast Dead Wrong – Senate Republicans remind Uncle Joe that things were supposed to be much better by now.
- N.Y. Dems Go AWOL – Brave Sir Robins run away.
- Pelosi: New Yorkers should decide on mosque—But the Botox Bitch can count votes as well as Harry Reid. But, we await our subpoenas.
- Bond king wants to nationalize Fannie; Wells Fargo wants permanent TARP –The big guys have tasted Financial Regulation Reform, and they want more of it. Meanwhile…
More dreadful numbers for Democrats – No one doing any serious polling now sees anything but Jackass blood in the streets on Nov 3.
- Taiwanese Animation Takes On... 2010 Elections—No comment! But go click anyway.
- Cavuto: Fannie, Freddie Not Going Away—The government is as firmly entrenched in the mortgage market as ever, and not much will change anytime soon.
- Fed President Admits: Sorry, We Can't Help The Economy Anymore—Liquidity trap.
- Arkansas broadcaster wears Florida Gators hat, loses job—Dude, this is the SEC. You need to understand your loyalties around here!
- Coastal Crisis: Ground Zero II—Meet one of the guys who pilots those awesome ROV’s at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
- BP to stop accepting oil claims as government-appointed administrator moves in—An oil exploration and production company gets out of the insurance claims business that it didn’t do such a good job in.
- The Propaganda Presidency—”An unprecedented number of public relations and propaganda efforts,” including efforts that the committee found to be inappropriate or illegal.
Gimme some feedback in the comments.
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