- Atlas Shrugs – “If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 911, there can be no doubt in our minds now. .. Once again, Obama puts himself directly at odds with the majority of the American people, as is his way and the hallmark of his presidency.”
- Ace of Spaces HQ – “You know who else my enemy is? My enemy is someone who think it's a good idea to advertise the virtues of Islam next door to Islam's Greatest Hit.”
- Doug Ross @Journal – “President Obama doesn't care what you or I think. Facts, logic, reason and history play no part in his "decision-making". Only ideology matters with this particular breed of hard-left Democrats.”
- Weasel Zippers – “Obama spits in America’s eye…”
- Gateway Pundit – “Well, this is real stunner. Since most voters in America are against building a mosque at Ground Zero, it only figures then that our radical far left president would join the 20% who believe it’s a good idea.”
- Hot Air – “Besides, the left has invested so much energy over the past month patting itself on the back for its moral superiority that they’d have wigged out if he had sided against them here. He can deny them a public option, but god help him if he denies them a Teachable Moment at the wingnuts’ expense.”
- Riehl World View – “I don't think anyone is questioning their right to worship. This is about where. You don't have a right to say a Christian prayer in a public school.”
- Ed Driscoll – The White House was much better off declaring the Cordoba House a local issue. By wading into this, if conservatives weren’t already fired up, ready to go (to coin a phrase) this November, they will be now after reading this.
- Protein Wisdom — “The people of New York who don’t want it? They’re just going to have to learn how to be good Americans.”
- Jennifer Rubin – “He is entirely – and to many Americans, horridly — a creature of the left, with little ability to make moral distinctions. His sympathies for the Muslim World take precedence over those, such as they are, for his fellow citizens. This is nothing short of an abomination.”
Answer: Barack Hussein Obama! mmm hmm hmm
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