“…But I am struck by the left-wing outrage over all of this.
“The same people who have been saying for weeks it is a sign of tolerance to build a mosque at Ground Zero are screaming how intolerant it is for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin to go to the Lincoln Memorial and give a speech today.” Erick Erickson, Red State, Glenn Beck Day.
“Will this truly be apolitical, as Glenn Beck insists, or will it turn into a political demonstration? Or, rather, will Beck’s political opponents turn it into a political rally themselves? All those questions are being answered right now. And don’t forget to donate to the Special Operations Warriors Fund, the charity that Beck and the rally support today.” Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, Open Thread: Restoring Honor Rally
“The Reverend Al Sharpton, the Reverend Walter Fauntroy, and the Reverend Timothy McDonald have been recently quoted in an uproar over Beck's 828 rally this weekend. They are suggesting that Beck is "hijacking" Dr. King's dream. Says Reverend McDonald, "To use this weekend when we remember that great march on Washington in 1963 as a pretense to give credence to their cause and their agenda is insulting. We were there." Had the hijacking of the dream been a sincere concern for the reverends, they would have had a standing reservation to obtain a permit in order to honor the legacy of Dr. King and the "I Have a Dream" speech that made history on August 28, 1963. But they did not.” – Lisa Fritsch, American Thinker, Who Owns 8/28?
Weasel Zippers – Honor And American Pride Come To DC
“The patriotic crowd that had already gathered at the Lincoln Memorial today in our nation’s capitol this morning stood and sang “God Bless America” at 6:30 AM during a sound check.
“No wonder the left hates these guys.”
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, RESTORING HONOR RALLY – Americans Honor Our Great Nation
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