Monday, July 12, 2010

Obama issues new round of crippling economic sanctions--on the Gulf states

The Obama regime issued crippling new economic sanctions today, in what can only be described as concerted effort to destroy the southern economy and throw tens of thousands of people out of well paying blue collar jobs.

While the moratorium was getting its final, poisonous touches over the weekend, El Presidente treated himself to his eighth ninth round of golf since the oil spill began and finalized plans for his third vacation in less than 90 days.  Perhaps he believes we should thank him.

Secretariat Salazarovich has called this moratorium thing a "pause."  There is no "pause" in the offshore oil and gas drilling industry.  The industry is either drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, or it's drilling in the waters off of Brazil, Africa or Egypt.  Rigs like the Diamond Offshore Ocean Endeavor
are leased in long term deals that will keep them out of the Gulf of Mexico for years.  Eventually, the drilling, engineering and support jobs in cities like Houston and Mobile go with them, or the drilling companies just hire Brazilians or Egyptians and terminate the jobs in the U.S.

U.S. Federal Judge Martin Feldman swiftly struck down Moratorium 1.0 last month, and the U.S. Fifth District Court of Appeals denied the government's appeal even more swiftly. If I were Judge Feldman, I would command Secretariat Salazarovich stand in my court and show cause why he should not be jailed for contempt.

Defying a court while issuing crippling new economic sanctions ain't cool, bro.

Gimme some feedback in the comments.


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