Thursday, July 8, 2010

Deepwater Horizon Incident -- in the Timeline today

In the news today:

Federal appeals court is hearing arguments on the overturned deepwater drilling moratorium.

Adm. Allen again says the relief well is ahead of schedule, and BP is expected to tell investors that it will have the runaway well capped by July 27.

The regime--busy with four fundraisers today--is skeptical that BP can beat the schedule.

Seas are calming both offshore and nearshore, allowing skimming operations to restart.

The "A Whale" gets another week of testing.

BP is given 24-hours to come up with a plan to replace the existing containment cap and complete the relief wells.

The CostnerFugeTM oil skimmer things set sail for the Gulf and the oil slick.

Gimme some feedback in the comments.


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