Monday, June 21, 2010

Biased, liberal media conglomerate ends ties with other biased, liberal media conglomerate.

They all parrot the same nonsense, so having one parroting the other's nonsense redundantly made it easy to control the signal-to-noise ratio.  Now though, CNN will use it's own news gathering  manufacturing department and ditch the Associated Press (via Breitbart):

US television news network CNN said Monday it was dropping the US news agency the Associated Press as it expands its own newsgathering efforts.

"We will no longer use AP materials or services," Jim Walton, the president of CNN Worldwide, said in a memo to CNN staff obtained by Agence France-Presse.

Walton said the move was "an important next step in the content-ownership process we began in 2007 to more fully leverage CNN's global newsgathering investments.

"Starting today, CNN newsgathering will be the primary source of all content for all of our platforms and services," he said. "The content we offer will be distinctive, compelling and, I am proud to say, our own."

What all this means is simply this:  When the mainstream either media breathlessly reports strong employment figures or bemoans the figures' dropping "unexpectedly," we'll get to see it twice.  There is no word as to whether CNN or Associated Press will drop the media's favorite adverb.

Extra Point:  CNN's viewership has been tanking, and tanking badly.  Execs at the one-time powerhouse of cable news could likely be making this decision based on economics, not "content ownership."  The latter is a useful meme, but dropping a very pricey subscription only helps the bottom line.

Gimme some feedback in the comments.


Anonymous said...

Best. Post Headline. Evah.

David L. said...

I know. Every now and then, I have that One Shining Moment.

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