Friday, May 14, 2010

Alabama Professor says his method to stop oil leak "will absolutely work"

Alabama Engineering Professor Philip Johnson says he has the solution to stopping the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Having reviewed the video of the oil spill, I now know of a way to collect that oil that will absolutely work, is not hard to rig up, and that is very familiar to BP," Philip Johnson, wrote in an email to the Press-Register. "Basically it involves additional gas injection into a deep point on a pipe."

Officials with BP, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to inquiries for comment about Johnson's suggestion.

Way to stop Gulf oil spill? University of Alabama professor says method 'will absolutely work' |

There's more at the link above. But, could it be this simple? And, once again, could it be that the braintrust at the University of Alabama has the solution that saves the gulf fisheries and tourism industry? Stay tuned!

Extra Point:  Auburn University, allegedly the center for engineering in the state of Alabama, has announced that it is shearing its flock of Alpaca's and sending the hair / wool / feathers / whatever to the region.  Gee, thanks.


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