Tuesday, January 21, 2014

So, who’s up for getting rid of the extra point?

clip_image001Roger Goodell may be, for one. 

The strawman proposal: Score a touchdown and accept the automatic point after, or go for an eighth point in the traditional manner from the two yard line. In the NFL at least, PAT’s are all but automatic. Two point attempts are much less so.

In other words, not much would change.

Goodell’s stated purpose in considering such a move is to create more excitement.  NFL coaches—especially the successful ones—are not known for being big risk takers. In a 16-game season in a league engineered for parity, how many head coaches are gonna “go for it” on a sufficiently frequent basis to change how the game is played? My guess is not many.

College football coaches are a little different. There are a lot more “riverboat gambler” types whose teams play on Saturdays. Getting rid of the PAT in college ball probably would create some more excitement, for two reasons. One: The aforementioned propensity to take small risks in the college game. Two, and most importantly, with literally hundreds of college football programs and a 12-game season, there will undoubtedly be more go-fers in a season than in the NFL.

That would in turn likely result in having several games during the college season be determined by a coach’s decision to roll the dice and go for two after a touchdown.

I don’t think this idea would do much for excitement in the NFL. I think it would be more likely to occur in college football.

Exit question: Which coaches in the SEC do you think are more likely to go for two under such a plan?

Helmet Tap (and screengrab credit) to AllahPundit at HotAir.com


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