Randall Mackey to get more touches vs. LSU, Ole Miss Coach Hugh Freeze says
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Mash for the rest.Ole Miss running back Randall Mackey's college career has been as much about moving around as it has been yards and touchdowns. But to Rebels' first-year Coach Hugh Freeze, it's about redemption.Freeze said he hopes to get Mackey a lot more action against his home state team when the Rebels face LSU on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in Tiger Stadium. It's not only Mackey's ability but it gladdens Freeze's heart every time he succeeds."Randall Mackey is one of my favorite kids on my team," Freeze said on the SEC coaches teleconference Wednesday. "I've fallen in love with him as a young man and a kid. When I first got here I didn't know if he would make it in what we were going to ask him to do. I could not be more pleased with his turnaround both academically, socially and athletically."
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