Thursday, August 16, 2012

Morning Six Pack: August 16, 2012

imageHanged over? We gots the cure, y’all. It’s these six college football stories from around the country.

Barrett Jones ranks in Saban's all-time top five

In response to a question about All-America lineman Barrett Jones on Tuesday, Alabama coach Nick Saban gave a lengthy answer about how he thought Jones was one of the five best people he has coached.

North Carolina cheated and prospered, now it's time for reckoning

Free grades and fake classes for more than a decade.

Experts: Spanier could still be charged

More than a month after an explosive investigative report accused Penn State's ousted president of burying child sex abuse allegations against Jerry Sandusky, Graham Spanier has so far avoided criminal charges.

Texas A&M goes with Manziel at QB

Texas A&M is entering a new conference with a new coach. And Wednesday night, the Aggies decided on a new quarterback, too.

South Carolina could top last season

South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier has his sights set on bigger things in the Southeastern Conference, even if some Gamecock fans still aren't sure what to expect.


"This is the story of a man named Joe Paterno, who in his long life was called moral and immoral, decent and scheming, omniscient and a figurehead, hero and fraud, Saint Joe and the devil. A life, of course, cannot be reduced to a single word, but …"

But … what? That was my book. There was the bloated superhero of Nov. 4, the savage villain of Nov. 5 … and I searched for the human being in the middle. I believe most of us live somewhere in the middle.

I suspect I will never have a more difficult task as a writer — I've been told by several authors that no biographer in American history has had a book change so drastically in the course of reporting. I suspect that's not right, but it is right that I was feeling my way through the dark. I was pushed and pulled, accused and derided, and that wasn't much fun. There were hundreds of questions, none of them with easy answers. But I had come to write a true book. That was what mattered. I have done my best to do that.

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