Friday, August 10, 2012

LSU Coach Les Miles: Tyrann “Honey Badger” Mathieu DISMISSED Miles made the surprise announcement at a hastily called press conference in Baton Rouge at noon today. He cited a violation of school and team rules as the reason, said that the decision was final and that Mathieu would not be allowed back on the team.

LSU Athletic Director Joe Alleva joined Miles during the press conference. The fact that he would attend such a presser sent waves through the Twittersphere in the hour just before it was set to start.

ESPN reported via Text Alert that Mathieju—the controversial cornerback and 2011 Heisman Trophy finalist—would seek a transfer. However, Brian Feldman of CBS notes that if the dismissal was for failing his third drug test (as rumored), he would be ineligible to play this year at ANY NCAA school.

More on this developing story as details emerge.

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