The state of Alabama is getting Izzy Gould back. In case you missed him, Izzy was one of two Alabama beat writers at the Tuscaloosa Bureau, serving up quality sports reporting for the Mobile Press-Register, Birmingham News and Huntsville Times.
Izzy’s work after the deadly April Tornadoes in Tuscaloosa was exceptional.
He left the network in February to join the Sun-Sentinel to cover the Miami Dolphins.
He didn’t even make it through the off-season.
Last May, Advance Communications announced that they were reorganizing their on-line and print organizations, ending daily delivery of the three largest newspapers in the state of Alabama. At the same time, they announced expanded news coverage at
As the new Senior College Sports News Producer, Izzy will be leading a group of young, youngish and young-thinking news hounds that are social media and internet media savvy. News is expected to break much more quickly.
I have personally had a number of and employees tell me that the holding company is disgusted with other news organizations breaking stories on college sports developments in their territories.
Almost every major college football story in the Southeastern Conference region uncovered in the last two years was broken by someone other than an Advance-owned publication or website. That has chapped some important asses, and changes are being made.
I would suspect that the recall of Izzy Gould signifies the formation of a new focus on making sure the stories that should originate here actually do.
I also can’t wait for the presser where Izzy stands before the Miami Dolphins’ media royalty and says, clearly irritated:
“I will NOT be the Senior Sports Producer in ALABAMA.”
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Izzy should read this
You are mistaken. Gould is a talented journalist who believes in letting the subject of a story have an opportunity to tell their side.
That's what he was trying to do in visiting T-Town Menswear and again in interviewing Landon Collins' mother.
Covering SEC sports is a coveted gig. Good journalists flock to this league. We are fortunate to have people like Gould covering and writing about us.
And don't forget the outstanding work he did after the tornadoes. That was Pulitzer-worthy journalism.
No he doesn't sir...he makes the cardinal mistake that no reporter should ever make...he becomes part of the story instead of just reporting the story. Capstone Reports accused him of "story creation"...and I concur with that.
Mr. Gould wrote a story about a coahing griend of mine in FL. He accused him of misrepresenting his coaching record after gould himself had published it 3 times. Gould stated a 400+ game winner only had 097 wins although he did not document this statement nor did he provide schools or any losses.In the past couple of weeks 4 stories have surfaced validating the coach's record. Gould has been made to look a fool over this because he did not throughly research anything. People are still dumbfounded that he could make such a critical mistake. The Tampa Bay Times had to retract,correct and otherwise cover his decit and lies. This is not what I want. As far as I am concerned he was exposed during his time covering Alabama football. He is not a professional.
The trashing of Gould above was done by a pathetic loser whom Gould exposed. His name is Steve Thompson, and he has been stalking Gould across the internet for a couple of years now. Here's Izzy's original article:
I see all those correction statements and retractions. Looks like his former employers had to clean up after the LIAR....of course all true Bama fans remember this notorious hack job...
Once again Izzy didn't do his job researching Thompson's coaching record...once again we all were exposed to his inept ability to document his stories. We all know his reputation of story creation and fabrication. He is the master...RTR. i
You have quite a reputation for story fabrication yourself! Making up schools and jobs that didn't exist!
It's funny that "Johnny Jackson" provides the same twitter account that coach Steve Thompson uses. Izzy exposed Thompson as a liar when he was at the Tampa Bay Times and now Thompson follows him around the internet to harass him.
I will pose this to GulfCoastBama...I know he is a media guy of sorts...tell me sir...what does it mean to a story if you must include an EDITORS NOTE at the end of said story...does it not pretty much shoot the credibility of said story and its author right in the foot?
Oh those schools existed. My sources tell me Gould either fabricated this fact or he was just to ignorant and stupid to read a job application...or possibly to lazy to check with the principal or any remaining staff opinion of Gould is that of a bumbling fool...whose bosses must constantly clean up after...usually after he has been run out of town on a rail...
More "story creation" Hills.......................................this is my Twitter account and mine alone.
You have an important question on the Izzy Gould Back In Alabama story...please address it. I enjoy the site very much.
Then why did three different screen names on scout all reference it as "mine" at one time or another? All three of which were advocating for the discredited, disgraced, dishonest, unemployed coach exposed by Mr. Gould in his excellent article on the subject?
And why are you only an Alabama (or Dolphins) fan when Izzy is reporting on that subject?
Gould as been disgraced. he is a disgrace to an already disgraced and ridiculed profession...and how would you know what kind of fan I am...RTR.
Not necessarily. If the subject of the story won't tell his side until after the fact, sometimes the editor will let him have his say.
I know nothing about the particulars of this story, but I do know that Gould has provided quality coverage of Alabama and Miami Dolphins football, and his coverage of the tornadoes was Pulitzer-worthy.
That opinion will not change.
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