Friday, June 29, 2012

Sandusky keeps his pension? Seriously?

Report: Sandusky likely to get pension
Convicted child molester and former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is likely to keep his state pension of more than $4,900 per month despite being found guilty last week on 45 molestation charges, according to reports.
By law, the former Penn State assistant football coach would only forfeit his pension after being sentenced for crimes falling under Pennsylvania's Act 140. That list includes crimes such as extortion and bribery by a public employee, but not violent crimes or sexual abuse.
Nicholas Maiale, chairman of the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS), told the Harrisburg Patriot-News that he plans to seek a legal review of the board's options in paying Sandusky's pension.
Read the rest here.

Perhaps there is a silver lining in this otherwise disgusting development in a case that has so thoroughly disgusted the country. That would be the fact that when any plaintiffs suing him in civil court would have at least a small source of revenue from which to recover damages.

Sandusky's pension is a state deal, meaning the taxpayers of Pennsylvania foot the bill, and as long as he or his wife are alive, the money keeps flowing.


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