Saturday, March 10, 2012

Brazilian hair removal treatment goes horribly wrong, says lawsuit

Salon in brouhaha over hoo-haw
Published on CNEWS Weird News | shared via feedly
EDMONTON -- A local salon is disputing a lawsuit by a woman who says her pubic area was severely burned and permanently disfigured by a Brazilian treatment. A client of Spasation Salon Inc. said she she paid $259 for the service, which involved the laser removal of hair from the pubic area.

In a statement of claim filed July 5, she alleges she suffered "significant" injury during the "failed" Feb. 27, 2010, treatment at the company's City Centre location, including severe burns, permanent disfigurement, discolouring and scarring.

She also claims she suffered psychological effects stemming from her awareness of her scarring and disfigurement, vulnerability to further tissue trauma, "considerable" pain and diminished enjoyment of life.
She is seeking $55,400.

In a statement of defence, Spasation and aesthetician Micheline Maroun deny the woman's claims. They said she never told staff about any problems and actually returned later for additional services.
If you dare, read the rest here.


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