Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Auburn Associate AD for Compliance GONE

Paul Parker, the former Director of Compliance at Georgia Tech and a recent hire as Auburn University's Associate AD for Compliance, has resigned. Parker leaves Auburn after just five months on the job.

Parker was implicated in an embarrassing case in which the NCAA Committee on Infractions found he had been involved in the Yellow Jackets' attempt to cover up a set of secondary violations, causing the case to become a major violations case. Georgia Tech was hit with probation and penalties, but individuals associated with the case were also sanctioned. Specifically, Parker and others were required to attend a 2012 Seminar on NCAA compliance, a humiliating sanction for a sitting associate AD.

A source described the sanction as akin to sending Frank DeFord back to a High School Journalism course.

Parker chose to resign instead. Auburn University was notified via correspondence from NCAA Enforcement Division. However, the university never revealed the correspondence.

In Parker's defense: he has told sources that he felt scapegoated in the Georgia Tech case and legitimately sought an amicable exit, and landing in an SEC compliance office fit that bill.  However, given the fact that Auburn is under intense scrutiny of the NCAA, the school apparently felt that having someone involved in a case of failure to comply was publicly embarrassing and asked him to move on, if he could find suitable employment elsewhere.

He apparently has.

Helmet tap to ChrisHillD28 for the tip on the breaking story.

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anon1 said...

probably moved on to Oregon.

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