Sunday, August 21, 2011

Twitter Meltdown: John Saunders says “Auburn” and “probation,” hilarity ensues

I missed the segment (dammit) but at some point on the air this morning, ESPN’s John Saunders said something like the following:

"Both teams in the 2011 BCS Championship Game are under probation."

Saunders clearly misspoke—I’m sure he meant that both teams from the championship game were under investigation, not probation. But the reaction from the Auburn fambly was as swift as it was predictable. Here is just a sample of the Tweets send to @JohnReporters, John Saunders Twitter account.


itshodgey @johnreporters Why the Hell did you say Auburn is on probation, when there not.

rpp4au @johnreporters you actually presented the BCS trophy to Chizik after the NC game and you think Auburn is on probation? RETRACTION NOW!

BadAUrabbit @johnreporters How can anyone trust your reporting when you tell blatant lies about Oregon and Auburn? #notonprobation

blaketrotter @johnreporters Do you not care at all about facts or the truth. Auburn is not on probation. Show some journalistic integrity. #Pathetic

DyeHardAU @Patr1ckL @johnreporters not forgotten! Sounds like an anti-AU agenda

DixieCrippler @johnreporters really, what a puppet. You sit there and lie. What a joke you are JS, no backbone and fat. Do something with yourself ....

DyeHardAU Auburn should DEMAND a retraction from @johnreporters. AU is not on probation John!!!

Patr1ckL And @johnreporters no one has forgotten your anti-Auburn rant from a few years ago when you had to issue a public apology #tatertot

BobbyofHomewood I told @johnreporters when he joined Twitter that he had 2 apologize to Auburn University years ago.He denied.He's gonna have to do it again

theWoodWDE How does @johnreporters even have job making ridiculous false statements like #Auburn is on probation??? I demand on air apology!

charliewemyss ESPN "ethics" on display again. @johnreporters #JohnSaundersLiar

aujrob If @johnreporters keeps working at it, he can be as unreliable as @schadjoe #JohnSaundersLiar #ReachForTheStars

AshevilleGuy @johnreporters That's a pretty serious slip, don't you think?

BobbyofHomewood @johnreporters make sure U retract this onair next week.Only Twitter isn't good enough. @SeanCablinasian @ChrisVernonShow #JohnSaundersLied

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