Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day

I had the best Father’s Day present ever last week. We have spent the last eight days driving to  Chicago, hitting all of the hot tourist spots in the Windy City, eating like royalty, then driving back.

I’m exhausted but I get 48 hours to rest before I hit the road again on a “day job” business trip to Houston. That one won’t interfere with the “side job” of blogging. In the meantime, how about a few vacation photos?

I know how much everyone loves to see someone else’s vacay pics, so here are a few of my favorites.







WP_000126 Cubs won, 12-7. I’ve been to Chicago three times, went to a Cubs matinee all three trips, and have never seen them lose. Let me know when you’d like to finance my move to the Friendly Confines. I am the Anti-Skip.

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