Monday, April 11, 2011

His credibility in the toilet, Rivals writer goes crybaby

imageSometimes, after making a huge mistake and absolutely shredding one’s own credibility, it makes sense to STFU for a while, re-examine your conceptual plan and perhaps even apologize to your readers for your lapse in judgment.

But that’s not teh fambly way.

Jeff Lee comes out swinging with a new diatribe that conveniently ignores the slanderous allegations he made last week on a Mobile, Alabama radio station’s morning broadcast.

Cash payments to Peaches Winston? Oh, never mind.

Brent Calloway’s brand new car? Because… SABAN!

Promise of a $1,200 monthly payment for Calloway while he was Alabama? ZOMG! The TREES! The TREES, PAWWL!

University of Alabama Compliance staff wrapped up all of Lee’s allegations and did it before happy hour Friday evening. These weren’t terribly difficult allegations to prove false.  Peaches’ house has been paid off since Calloway was in preschool, and Calloway rides the school bus.

But instead of explaining why he made such baseless allegations against Winston, Darren Woodruff and Calloway, Lee whines about the decision-making process of a high school senior who’s about to make the biggest decision of his life.

It appears that the teenager Brent Calloway—in making his decision and honoring his longstanding commitment to Alabama—showed more maturity and self-discipline than Jeffrey Lee, who’s supposed to be the grown-up here.

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