Wednesday, March 30, 2011

AUBurgeddon: Reddick claims of academic improprieties may be most damaging

JailAubie How about a little more Energy Vampirism?

Former Auburn football player Troy Reddick may have made the single most poisonous claim regarding alleged improprieties at the university when he alleged academic violations occurred.

I touched on this matter in my post earlier today, but I wanted to make sure I had my timeline squared away before I expanded my thoughts on it.

Here’s the relevant portion of the transcript provided by SPORTSbyBROOKS yesterday afternoon:

  • Reddick on why he was unhappy at Auburn - and the remedy for that unhappiness

Kremer voiceover: “Reddick was growing increasingly unhappy because he says the (Auburn) coaches wanted him to change his major. Why? Because his class schedule got in the way of football practice.

Reddick: “I changed my major, so my classes didn’t interfere no more but I didn’t bother to go because I knew I was only there to play football.

Kremer: “So what did you do?

Reddick: “I started complaining and insinuating that I was ready to leave any day. They had to do something about that.”

Why is this so damaging?

Troy Reddick played at Auburn from 2002 – 2005. During this period, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – SACS – placed Auburn University on academic probation, one step away from removing the school’s accreditation. The announcement was made in December 2003, which would have been at the end of Reddick’s Sophomore year of eligibility. Also during the timeframe of Reddick’s tenure at Auburn, allegations arose regarding academic improprieties in connection with the school’s Sociology Department.

The NCAA investigated, but was unable to uncover evidence that the Athletic Department was involved in the allegations of academic interference. Reddick’s statements to Kremer appear to contradict those findings and could be cause for the NCAA to reopen that aspect of the investigation.

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