Monday, October 25, 2010

Voter Fraud: If it’s close, they win

Check out the post at Michelle Malkin. Folks, we may not have seen voter fraud at this kind of level since John F. Kennedy beat Nixon in 1960.

Voter fraud is occurring now, and will be occurring through election day.  There’s little to do to stop it besides being vigilant and watchful, and reporting cases of suspected voter fraud to your local or state election office.

But it’s happening.  From sea to shining sea:

In Colorado, it’s Common Cause of Colorado, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund and the Service Employees International Union caught in an apparent scheme to foist some 6,000 shady voter registrations on the state.

In Arizona, it’s illegal alien amnesty-supporting, SEIU-tied Mi Familia Vota again and One Vote Arizona submitting massive, last-minute voter registrations. The race between rocket scientist Ruth McClung and open-borders radical Raul Grijalva is down to the wire.

In Washington state, it’s illegal alien amnesty-supporting OneAmerica Votes sending illegal alien canvassers out to drum up votes

In Florida, it’s suspected absentee ballot fraud — from within a city commissioner’s office.

In New York, FNC’s Eric Shawn reports on another absentee ballot scheme implicating the ACORN-tied Working Family Party and a ring of Democrat officials.

In Texas, citizen watchdogs have joined True the Vote to monitor and strike back against election fraud in Harris County.

If any of these states have close races, you can bet your last nickel that the corruptocrats will make sure that the Democrat candidate wins.  Don’t let it be that close.

You can help by making sure YOU VOTE.  And everyone in your household who’s eligible and registered VOTES. And everyone on your street, in your neighborhood, your parish, your community GETS OUT TO VOTE.

You can also sign up to help be part of the wave.

We’ve got to make these races blowouts.  No recounts.  No challenged provisionals.  No hanging chads.  No court cases that drag on for months.  Let’s make sure that we all get to bed early on November 2.

If it’s gonna be a Tsunami, let’s make sure they all get washed away.


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