Friday, September 17, 2010

Spiteful Wench Lisa Murkowski WILL launch Alaska write-in

Spiteful wench is the only way to describe her.

Lisa Murkowski supporters are urging people to come out tonight for what’s being called a “campaign kick off,” although her campaign manager isn’t ready to say that she’s decided to run.

Bonnie Jack, who was a Murkowski campaign elections observer for the count of absentee votes, sent out an email this morning. “Join us at the Kick-off of Senator Lisa's campaign -- with a theme of "write in her name in and fill in the oval."

"Denai'na Convention Center, third floor and hopefully out on the sunny deck, 5 pm. Bring your family including children, friends and business associates. We plan to make history!”

And spite is the only thing that could possibly be motivating her.  Even with a really, really awesome write-in campaign she has virtually no chance of winning.  But she does have a shot at drawing enough votes to derail Joe Miller, the Fairbanks attorney who squeaked by her in the primary.

Miller has been told (says he) that the GOP caucus will strip her of her leadership positions if she manages to slip in as an independent.  So if you can’t win the race, and if you will lose all of your seniority if you do win the race, what would drive you to do something like this?



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