The "shot caller" on the Deepwater Horizon response was fingered here a week ago, but this is the first mention I've seen in the mainstream media.
Early on Wednesday, BP said a decision to move ahead with the test might be made by midday Wednesday, but a green light from the White House didn't come until after the close of the markets on Wednesday. Pressure tests on the well were expected to begin on Wednesday evening.
The White House commented that it was simply taking every precaution possible, but in the end, the government's oil spill response point man, U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, said that BP could move ahead with the test. It's expected to take up to 48 hours for results of the test to come in.
The oil spill was caused by a tragic failure to follow basic safety protocols and an arrogant failure to follow engineering discipline. Those failures led to a well blowout, explosion, fire, the death of 11 men and an ongoing economic and environmental disaster.
But the response to this disaster is being run by the Imperial Presidency, and the White House appears to be calling all the shots. There's no getting around this, now. It's his tarball, baby.
Gimme some feedback in the comments.
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