Friday, June 11, 2010

Caption This

Gentle readers of the I Bleed Crimson Red blog, please use the comments section to caption this photo from Barack Obama's May 28 visit to Grand Isle, Louisiana.  Anonymous posting is allowed.


Anonymous said...

At $1,000 a bottle, this might pay off the debt I created!

Anonymous said...

No, really. This is my concerned look. See? I rolled up my sleeves and everything. Can we go play golf now?

Anonymous said...

"Oh, look. A dead hermit crab covered with oil."

Anonymous said...

See-Boots on the ground, head up the wazoo.

Dianne93101 said...

(thinking): I told the pilot I wanted to go GOLF not to the GULF--darn it! WellI guess I gotta look interested...

Darkstar1661 said...

"Hey, this looks like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Mmmmmmm... ice cream"

Anonymous said...

i wonder if they can tell i'm bored by all this?

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