Monday, April 12, 2010

Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan, 04/12/10

Audio Link:
The Right Scoop- Glenn Beck with Paul Ryan.

It's a 12+ minute segment, but it's worth the time to listen through. There's a little red meat at around the 2:00 mark, where host and guest both agree that progressivism "is a cancer." That set the lefty blogs into a bona fide conniption.

The impetus for the segment was a post at Hot Air, wherein that blog's resident mooshy moderate misinterprets Ryan's Oklahoma speech and calls him a "conservative progressive," or "progressive conservative," or some other equally oxymoronic half-breed between good and evil. Beck, after reading the post, went nuclear on Ryan. Ryan's people contacted Beck, Beck had him on the show, and a new alliance was formed.


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